Thursday, 26 April 2012

Seize the day...

Life is what you make of it. We only get one chance (unless we are Buddhist, or a cat, but otherwise this is the general consensus). For this reason, I believe it is important to look for the brighter side of life, seeking out the little oddities and nicenesses that make the mundane a little less drab, the everyday a tad more exciting, or which just provoke a smile.

I would thus like to share with you, dear reader, the various aspects from which these simple pleasures can be derived. It is not to say that I am by any means an expert, nor that you are unable to discover these delights by yourself - I merely wish to share with you the tidbits that have tickled my fancy, that you may in turn feel that tweak at the corner of your mouth whenever you come across them.
For, after all, sharing is caring.

The first, then, comes in the form of The Human Touch. I do not mean by this the literal physical contact between two or more persons, nice as that may be (we'll save that one for another day, perhaps) - nay, I refer to those little nuances added to technical, mechanical, or institutional processes or devices.
For example, at my place of work, there is an entry system telling the receptionist various figures and where necessary giving instructions as to how to deal with the customer. The nicety found here, however, lies in the small detail that as per it being a customer's life anniversary, the system proffers a 'Happy Birthday!' to pass on to them. Although I have not resorted to singing the felicitation (yet!) I have oft received a taken-aback smile in response to this well-wishing. Don't we all love being noticed? And so, despite it still being a hideous system with a great many flaws, this tiny redeeming feature shows that its creator had a heart, and wanted to reach out in this simple way. Kudos.

Time to learn by example, and sincerely wish you a nice day, a happy birthday or un-birthday, and general contentment with whatever today may bring.

I dare you to smile...