January once again. Looking around at the start of this, another 'new' year, it is unsurprisingly possible to see the familiar pattern of unrealistic self-challenges being set, and sadly, more often than not, discarded, all in the name of another new beginning. Gymmers, healthy eaters, non-smokers, non-drinkers, drink-lessers, drink-the-same-amount-but-of-milder-stuff-ers, runners, walk-to-workers, losing-weighters... the list goes on. This time, I myself am not conforming to this archaic ritual of trying to impose upon myself some new delusive habit for all of two or three days before I bow to the pressure and resume my former ways just with a smidgeon more self-loathing... I have decided simply to carry on as before, perhaps with a tad more moderation but otherwise living the life of Riley. Or of myself, as I do not actually know the aforementioned Riley nor how he lives, and so cannot bear testimony, but I'm quite happy with my lot and I'll thankfully try to keep it that way.
I found to my bemusement, however, that my subconscious apparently had different ideas: whilst out with some Spaniards for yet another festival - they will use any excuse for a good party! - I was informed that my catchphrase is apparently "ah, why not?!". Now, although this has led to many an amusing shenanigan (and quite possibly one or two hangovers, I won't deny) it does in fact summarise the epitome of my mantra: life is for living. Rather than fret the minor consequences - and needless to say, here I'm not advocating illegal or harmful behaviour - just go for it. Say yes. Do it. And enjoy the heck out of it.
A friend was celebrating her birthday yesterday and decided she wanted two different cakes, so that's what we had. Why not? Another was umming and ahhing about coming to join us for the weekend, and after a hearty round of 'why not?' he ditched the dithering and had a whale of a time. Voila. I don't mean to say that you should give up on things you have resolved to do, quite the opposite - I'm a keen bean for sticking to your word on things - but that if you're offered an opportunity, go with your gut reaction, and if that says go for it, then why not do it. Chances are it won't come round again. Plan the trip you've been meaning to have, run that marathon, buy the bike and use it to go to work each morning (and back again evening, I suppose, might be wise at any rate), eat the extra pudding if you're really craving it (but maybe hit the gym afterwards if you fall into the lose-weighter category, for obvious reasons), ride the bumper cars at 5am... Whatever the occasion calls for, but don't save it for a special occasion or deny yourself too often, as you're only really cheating yourself. Love a little bit harder, smile a little bit wider, and live a little bit larger. After all, why not?!